Every iPhone that is older than 2 years.
iPhone 4, 3GS, and 3G IMEI number
How to proceed:
Unlock an iPhone Out of Contract with T-Mobile and Vodafone
Locate the iPhone IMEI number and make a note of it:
Tap Settings then tap General
Tap “About” and scroll down to find “IMEI”

Open this webpage from your browser for T-Mobile and this page for Vodafone: Vodafone CallYa-Handy entsperren: So wird's gemacht
Request your iPhone to be unlocked, provide the IMEI number of the device on the form and click on "Daten pruefen" on T-Mobile web or "Absenden" in Vodafone page and then fill some name or surname (just write anything) on T-Mobile webpage and some numbers as phone numbers and in 5 minutes your iPhone becomes factory unlocked.

T-Mobile will initiate a request to unlock the iPhone and then you have to restore the iPhone through iTunes to complete the device unlock. With the device unlocked, a micro-SIM from all other networks will now work in the iPhone. 
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